Friday, May 23, 2008


Hello my dear trollboogies!

I am happy (and sadly) to inform you that I have moved this dear blog over to Wordpress (because it is the best, despite my lack of knowledge of how to use it!) It is happy news because we've moved and it is sad news because of what we're leaving behind, which is....Blogger. But never you fear. Wordpress has what they call "Pages" and I'm really loving it! More things to boggle my mind! I jump for joy!

linkage: ...and {along} the way... (at Wordpress!)

Anyway, I say R.I.P. ...and {along} the way at Blogger. R.I.P.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So it would seem...

Good morning my dunderheads! It would seem as if I have been on a little hiatus...and you know what that means!!! 

It means I'm losing interest. Which I am, but ah well. There is nothing new for me to talk about...well not entirely true.

So it was Mothers' Days, god knows when that was; I've lost track of the months...anyway, my family uses any holiday, huge event, etc, as an excuse to make tons of food and have a family gathering. So whenever That Day for Mothers was, that Sunday I found myself at my aunt's house writing my final paper for my fiction class (or at least trying to), surrounded by at least seven screaming little kids. They were playing Cops and Robbers as I was writing about the Italian Mafia, and they were running around with sticks for guns, and gym bag filled with the "loot," and my aunt's closet as the "jail." (I apologize I have no fun video or pictures of this. My fault.) Anyway, amongst all of that, I came across this, which I took with PhotoBooth, seeing how I'd only came with my laptop and nothing else.

Yes, yes, that is Hannah Montana. I just love what she's wearing! [linkage]

Now this is what happened the last time I went to a family gathering....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Afternoon again laddies,

I have forgotten, for a brief moment (just like everyone else) about our Earth. Hum...where's Al Gore when you need him to remind you of such things? Anyway, Happy Earth Day. I don't know why today is Earth Day and as of right now, I don't really feel like looking it up, but I'll probably Google it in a minute.

This is interesting and answers my question (yet poses more questions):

Earth Day is one of two different observances, both held annually during spring in the northern hemisphere, and autumn in the southern hemisphere. These are intended to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth's environment. The United Nations celebrates an Earth Day each year on the March equinox, a tradition which was founded by peace activist John McConnell in 1969. A second Earth Day, which was founded by U.S. politician Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in in the late 1960s, is celebrated in many countries each year on April 22.

Why are there two Earth Days? Why couldn't that Gaylord guy just celebrate the Earth Day the UN had already established? What an egotistical ass. He just wanted to be special for some, even if someone else had already thought of it. Wow, I answered my own question.


Good afternoon laddies. 

Well, after not so much sleep and a few tossed away brain farts here and there, I finally launched my new website...or homepage for this here blog. I don't know, it's not much. It's just a site I've been working on for fun and I just wanted the world to see it for a brief shining moment. Soon, I strongly predict, it will be taken down and given to the dogs. My websites seem to have been dropping like flies. I get bored with the layout, the URL link is too long, I hate you Freewebs, and blah blah blah. I have my many excuses. As of now, I'm starting to hate how the layout looks online. *shrugs*

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Disney Channel Meets Reality Television

No laddies, this isn't about them Jonas boys...

it's about HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! Disney Inc. is making HSM into a reality show/competition thing. It's going to be something like HSM (of course) meets American Idol meets Camp Rock...FUCK IT! It's like a All New Mickey Mouse Club ripoff thing they conveniently named High School Musical: Summer Session. Except instead of 12 people winning roles on a TV show, 1 lucky winner wins and gets to star in HSM4!

HSM: I wish it would die.

Anyway, Disney is having open calls for the reality show (American Idol = reality show). A handful of people (ages 16 -22) will be picked out to attend and summer camp (this is where Camp Rock comes into play) where they "hone their skills" acting, singing, and dancing alike. Then in the end they get judged, one person wins and goes on to "join the HSM family" in HSM4.

And I thought HSM was going to die after the second movie. -_-

Anyway, the point of this is....I was reading the application was quite entertaining. Especially the part about crimes and such.

Linkage: Application

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My personal beliefs (I apologize in advance because I have them)

Quaint evening we are having isn't it Laddies? It's very gray outside, cloudy and raining, and as I walked along Central Park to and from my music class, the scenery was quiet pleasant and peaceful. The serenity of the whole scene was a bit odd for being in the city, but I guess many people don't like traveling outside when it's rainy.

Anyway, on my walk, I got to thinking. What am I going to do this summer? I had no idea. I mean, last summer I worked at an indie record label that, for most of the time I worked there, had a broken air conditioner--their only air conditioner--and I basically roasted to a deathly boredom as I imputed fan info into the databases. (Obviously it was a very indie, indie record label.) The summer before that one I believe I stayed home and drowned myself in books. I literally read over 100 books that summer. I swear, that was all I did. But this summer, I wanted to do something different. I don't know what "different" is exactly, but it had to do with a job.

Yes, that was what had popped into my mind: Getting a J-O-B.

Now, weeks before today, I tried that. The whole "getting a job" thing. I filled out paper applications to work at Barnes & Noble, because I love books so much, I reasoned  Why not work there? So I filled out the application and sent it in. This action took place in late October of 2007. It is late March of '08 and I have yet to receive word. So I'm pretty much taking a guess here and saying that my application was rejected. Anyway, on my walk, I thought of the job thing again and decided that when I got home I'll apply for a job at Borders Bookstore. Yes, the other major bookstore chain in Manhattan.

So I'm home. I start doing a lot of other things and completely forget about my intended "summer plans." Yet, after dinner, I got to talking with my mother and I casually ask my mother if we were going on a family vacation this summer. (I did and didn't want to bring this up, because of the "money thing." College tuition is a real big pain in the hoohaa and vacations can be pricey. But I really wanted to go on a vacation, so getting the thought out there is a good jumping point for negotiation.) Anyway, she mentioned Universal Studios in Orlando and I grinned with glee. Next I asked what she was planning to do with my brother, and she simply said "summer camp." The little men in my stomach began marching in their triumph. So as I began to formulate all of this information in my inactive mind (my brain has been shut off since I was a second semester HIGH SCHOOL), it occurred to me that I was going to have the whole summer to myself. Plus a vacation to Universal Studios! The little men threw their instruments aside and began to do summersaults! That meant that I could sleep in, go out whenever I pleased without having to worry about babysitting, and watch Ellen EVERY FREAKIN DAY without having to go to school or to pick someone up or really do any of the things I do now. In other words, my summer would be carefree and just for me!

I was happy and pleased with my inquiry. Then it hit me...square in the face. I was supposed to apply for a job. Because, and be honest here lads, what is a summer if you have no money? My grin fell and the glee, it all shriveled up like a prune. I began to curse at the college gods for sucking up all of the money from my checking account. My ideal summer was gone! For I had realized that even if I was able to go the summer without a job, who will I hang with? All of my friends are in college and they too had the demon college gods suck up all of their money. So they probably would all be working during the summer as well. I ended my swearing rampage and hung my head in defeat.

"I need a job." I then told my mother. She then asked me "For what?" and I told her "For the summer." She questioned "Where at?" and I responded "Borders." Then I went online, onto the Borders website and looked for the link to download their application. When I got to the page, I realized that it was an online application and I thought "Oh goody."

So I start filling it out. It asked for my Social Security Number, then my Name, Address, Phone Number, etc etc etc. Then my age, whether I'm legal to work in the United States, and if I'll submit to a background check. I said, yeah, sure, why not. Have you been convicted of a felony? No, no I haven't. A misdemeanor? Again, no I haven't. Note: The existence of a criminal history will not automatically disqualify you from the job you are applying for. Lies! Anyway, I get through the first part and finally come to the question at hand. Which job are you applying for? I click Seller and it takes me to a page that says Thank You. I click Next and it takes me to a test like thingy, apparently Part Two of the application.

So I begin the second part. For the most part the questions were okay. They were those type of questions where you had to validate the statement depending on your personality. 
Example: You really like dogs.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Anyway, I got through the first few pages alright. They were all simple questions; You love to be with people, You are proud of the work you do, You like to plan things before hand, etc etc etc. Then it started to get into, You get annoyed at slow moving people, You like being in the middle of a big crowd, People do a lot of annoying things...Once I hit all of the nonsense questions did I notice that I was on page 7 of 25 pages of nonsense questions. You get annoyed at slow moving people. Um...when they walk really slow in front of me I get annoyed. I mean, come on, we live in New York City, people should get ticketed because they walk so slow. But if a person works slow, as long as they get their work done I have no problem. You like being in the middle of a big crowd. If everyone is paying attention to me then sure! But if I'm in the middle of huge crowd like watching a parade in NYC or in a mosh pit, then no. People do a lot of annoying things. Duh Sherlock! People do all kinds of annoying things. It's kind of hard to get passed that.

Anyway, I continued to answer the questionnaire and the question became increasingly worse. Soon I came upon the question You have been convicted of a felony and almost fell off my chair! These questions were completely redundant. The whole second part of the application was utter nonsense! Soon after, the questions just repeated themselves, except they were phrased differently. And the phrasing of the questions became stupider and stupider. You say a lot of unnecessary things that offend and upset many people's feelings. You just asked me, like three pages ago, if I do things that upset people!!! Oh but we added offends people in this question. Yeah! But you asked me that question FOUR pages ago!!! Why must you torment applicants so? I mean, it's bad enough that we have to fill out an application. Cause we all know that nobody likes filling out applications. (Unless you're a crazy person who likes to subject yourselves to such an idiotic bureaucratic procedure. Then you need to be put someplace far, far away.)

Let's just say, Laddies, that by the time I completed the application and sent it via the interweb, I was looking forward to getting the job then asking all of my coworkers, "So, didn't you just want to [throw your computer out the window, kick the TV screen in, strangle your cat, slit your wrist, etc] while you were filling out that ridiculous questionnaire?"

Thursday, March 20, 2008

00:33 AM

Well laddies, I have finally experienced the Zero Hour. Yes, on my way home from BBQ's and Max Brenner's (Ah! Praise the Bald Man and his chocolate!), on the 2 train, I was talking to my friend when I got ADD and was distracted by the red marque crawl thing that says what time it is and what the next stop is going to be. When I looked up, the time wasn't right and I was pretty sure I wasn't that out of my mind from all the chocolate I had just consumed. So, to prove it to myself that I really did experience the Zero Hour, I took a video of it.

It was 00:33 AM. It was awesome.

Ooo...the was gooood! :)

Monday, March 10, 2008


Friday, February 29, 2008

Just Another Reason I LOVE Ellen DeGeneres!!!

Evening Laddies,

So, I was watching Ellen today and she started off the show with a little "awareness" speech, with the murder of 15 year old Larry King in Oxnard, California.

This made me sad, like, really really sad. The moment Ellen mentioned that Larry was gay and was the victim of a hate crime, I immediately thought Matthew Shepard's murder in 1998 and The Laramie Project...which sadden me even more.

This is not right. It never was right. I agree with Ellen 100%! Just because a person's homosexual doesn't mean they're any different from the rest of us.  Most of my close friends are either homosexual or bisexual, and guess what? I love them so much and I would never want them to change into a lesser version of themselves to conform to the public's eye. I know it might seem as if society is more accepting towards homosexuals now then they were years before, but the truth is, this is just the beginning. Obviously there are still people out there who morally believe homosexuality is wrong and succumb to hate crimes such as this one. I know. Sometimes when I'm meeting somebody new and mention one of my friend's who's gay, that person would be a complete homophobe about it. I know this, cause it has happened before. I mean, it's one thing to have morals, but even if you think homosexuality is wrong, there is no reason to be cruel to a person just because they're homosexual!

This came at a weird time for me. Tomorrow, March 1st, I'm going to my cousin's commitment ceremony. She "getting married" to my old boss, who is completely and awesomely cool, and who I love to pieces. The both of them are lesbians. Now, both of my parents aren't going, my mother because she's a Jehovah's Witness and my father because "my cousin is making the biggest mistake of her life marrying some gay chick." Yes, my father is that much of an inconsiderate ass. My aunt and uncle aren't going either, because my aunt is uber psycho Christian and believes homosexuality is wrong. Yet unlike my mother, who respectfully declined the invite (with a 3 hour phone call), my aunt and uncle decided to plan their son's 16th Birthday party on the same freaking day as the commitment ceremony. I guess my father isn't the only inconsiderate ass in my family.

I found this ironic.

Anyway, we should all keep Larry in our thoughts, and ultimately be aware of what's happening around us. Discrimination cannot be tolerated; it shouldn't and it won't...



Thursday, February 28, 2008

Some Videos for You!

Hello Laddies,

I have nothing new to report, yet since I have been on a slight hiatus, I decided to post somethings I thought were ridiculusly funny. This first one was something I showed my friends and we died in hystrics:

Oh Soulja Boy... -_-

Next, we have something I thought was funny. I just finished watching Hannah Montana, because the TV was on the Disney channel and I was too busy trying on dresses...but, the end of the episode caught my attention because one this:

Sad. Jesse McCartney should not do that ever again. Next time, he will get shot.

And this last one, it's still too cute! Enjoy!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Apple Store has a Bar

Good Morning Laddies!

I have been on a very short hiatus, due to the fact that I woke up one 
morning to find that my MacBook didn't feel like starting up anymore. I have consequently spent these last three consecutive days at the Apple Store on 5th Avenue. It's like a hub of all technological wisdom or something. It looks like a freaking Computer Network Icon on the outside, yet as you descend those narrow clear pexiglass "Chinese Staircase" like stairs that make me feel like I'm about to fall a bust something more than my butt, you enter this white and gray hub of chaos. So many people spend countless hours in this tiny store that conveniently stays open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. As much as I love my Mac and my iPod, I would not stay in that store into the wee hours of the night. Alas, though, I had to.

Friday night. I made my "reservation" for the Genius Bar for 9:40 (you have to make a "reservation" to talk with in-store tech support. How bizarre is that?), because I had a concert to attend. Anyway, I ended up leaving the concert early and getting to the Apple Store at around 9:15 because I was antsy to get my computer working again, seeing how I have two papers to finish and I needed to save my computer in order to finish them. (Although, when I realized that all hope might be lost, I took it as an excuse not to do my papers, just to tell my professors "oh, my computer ate my homework.")

Backtracking, my computer didn't want to turn on Thursday morning so I made a "reservation" for the Bar and took it in that same day. A really nice guy name Galeb (I believe...or Gabe) helped me out. He seemed like a cool guy from Ohio, with these black rimmed glasses that made him resemble the dude that plays Jamie on Instant Star; I almost swooned. I don't know what it is, but for some reason, cute guys with glasses somehow equals hotness. It's a crazy thing, but for me, it's true. Anyway, Galeb (or Gabe) helped me out by saving my important file (my papers) onto my new external hard drive and by going through what I should do when I get home to fix my lappy. So I left Thursday night with a bit of hope that I was going to get my computer fixed. When I got home, I performed what Galeb (Gabe) had showed and explained to me, yet it went all wrong. Soon, my poor lappy went from being "sick" to going into a full blown "coma."

So I ended up making another one of those "reservations" and going back to the store on Friday. Friday we waited awhile, we being my mother and I, who insisted on accompanying me just incase she needed to get "ghetto" on someone's ass, until we were called. The store at that time was a bit more empty than it was on Thursday evening, yet still pretty packed with people. When I was called, I was helped out by a guy named Evan, who happened to be positioned next to a fellow coworker by the same name (a little detail my delirious mother hadn't failed to point out). Evan, was cool and helped me out a lot, noting that Gabe had helped me out the previous day and concluding that my hardware was probably faulty.  Evan, who my mother kept referring to as Sanjia because she thinks he resembles that sad American Idol hopeful, helped me get ALL of my files onto my beloved external hard drive, then he gave me my receipt thingy and shipped Lappy off to the Apple Hospital. I was totally grateful despite the fact my mother and I were there at that Bar until 12:24 am Saturday. (The people at that store should seriously consider adding a snack/coffee/Starbucks like bar to their decor. Seriously, I was hungry.)

Anyway, I picked up my Lappy today because it was ready and now I can show you the cool squirrel pictures I took when my brother Nemo and I feed them M&Ms Peanuts and an interesting picture of subway graffiti!! YAY!


This is Da Mad Hatta squirrel!! It was a black squirrel so I appropriately named it after a Neurotically Yours character, as well as the white squirrel, who I named Foamy.

And here's Foamy! It's such a great picture, I commend myself! Look at it! It's so cute! It makes me want a squirrel as a pet. It's just there, chillin' in it's tree, like "Yo, why you all up in my grill man?" But he wouldn't say it like that cause it's Foamy. It'd be like, "Hey man! I don't take pictures of you when you're in your tree! Ya bastards. Oh yeah, thanks for the M&Ms." *sighs*

Now, my parting gesture, this picture, which is conveniently a picture of a wall of one of those public subway elevators. I laughed and shook my head when I saw this. It looks like there's something that shouldn't be there: 


Monday, February 11, 2008

Wind, Snow, Cold

Well laddies, it was very cold today. Yesterday it snowed just for the hell of snowing. It was a sper of the moment type of thing. It got really windy and then it snowed like hell and then it stopped. I was lucky enough to get caught in it. 


I am really tired lads. I kind of thinking why I even bother to attempt a post.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Super Tuesday! Part Deux!

So Laddies, Super Tuesday has come and gone (and I updated what could be updated in the Super Tuesday post) and some candidates did better than others. For the Republicans, John McCain was the man to beat, and sadly for Huckabee and Romney, he could not be beaten. Mitt Romney dropped out of the race, so really it's up to Huckabee, but I doubt that he'll get ahead. At this point, it's more than obvious that John McCain is going to be the Republican candidate for President.

Now, on to the Donkeys. I was surprised that Obama did so well in the primaries. Granted, he did not win New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, or California, but he did win Connecticut (as well as 16 out of 22 states, not including New Mexico, because the winner has yet to be determined). A lot of people like Obama, but alas, Hillary has more delegates at this point in time (she's leading Obama with 892 delegates to his 716, which is very close indeed). So, I can't even predicted (or I'd rather not, in fear I might be wrong) who the Democratic presidential candidate will be. But look at it this way, America will either have an African American or a female president come 2009!

UPDATED!!! (2-8-08)
So, apparently Clinton has 912 delegates to Obama's 741 delegates. It's still a fairly close race. As of right now, I have no clue who has won New Mexico. *sighs*

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday!

UPDATED!!! (2-7-08)

Happy Tuesday Laddie!

So, seeing as Super Tuesday, which was a very super day what with the Parade of Champs for the NY Giants and with the Primaries in 22 states, I feel the need to present you with the winners of the primaries.

For the Democrats:

Hillary Clinton has won:
  • Arizona - 50.5% of the vote, 25 delegates
  • California - 51.9% of the vote, 207 delegates
  • New York - 57.4% of the vote, 121 delegates
  • New Jersey - 53.8% of the vote, 54 delegates
  • Massachusetts - 56.2% of the vote, 55 delegates
  • Arkansas - 69.7% of the vote, 10 delegates
  • Oklahoma - 54.8% of the vote, 24 delegates
  • Tennessee - 53.8% of the vote, 24 delegates
Barack Obama has won:
  • Alabama - 55.8% of the vote, 10 delegates
  • Delaware - 53.1% of the vote, 9 delegates
  • Illinois - 64.6% of the vote, 68 delegates
  • Georgia - 66.4% of the vote, 22 delegates
  • Missouri - 49.2% of the vote, 36 delegates
  • Colorado - 66.6% of the vote, to be determined
  • Minnesota - 66.5% of the vote, to be determined
  • North Dakota - 61.1% of the vote, to be determined
  • Connecticut - 50.7% of the vote, 26 delegates
  • Kansas - 74% of the vote, 15 delegates
  • Utah - 56.6% of the vote, 14 delegates
  • Idaho - 79.5% of the vote, to be determined
  • Alaska - 74.4% of the vote, to be determined

Now for the Republicans: (yeah, so I don't care too much about who won what percentage of the votes for the Republicans because it doesn't really matter much. Who ever wins, wins all of the delegates from that state, whereas with the Democrats the percentage determines how the delegates are split.)

John McCain has won:
  • California - 146 delegates
  • Oklahoma - 32 delegates
  • New York - 101 delegates
  • New Jersey - 52 delegates
  • Illinois - 54 delegates
  • Connecticut - 27 delegates
  • Delaware - 18 delegates
  • Arizona - 50 delegates
  • Missouri - 58 delegates

Mitt Romney has won:
  • Utah - 36 delegates
  • Colorado - to be determined
  • Massachusetts - 22 delegates
  • Minnesota - to be determined
  • North Dakota - 8 delegates
  • Alaska - to be determined

Mike Huckabee has won:
  • Alabama - 21 delegates
  • Arkansas - 29 delegates
  • Georgia - 45 delegates
  • Tennessee - 25 delegates
Now, that seems to be all at the moment. I'll probably update this as the night goes on! (This makes my head hurt)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I want my Disney MOVIE!!!

So, as Super Tuesday is fast approaching, (February 5th to be exact, the day I will be purchasing The Aristocats movie on Disney DVD) I decided to see what all the hoopla was all about. I haven't really been keeping up with the 2008 Election, so I don't know where everyone stands, besides the fact that John Edward (bless his lovely cute soul) dropped out of the Democratic race as well as Rudy Gulliani from the Republican race, due mostly to his loss in Florida (no tears for Rudy; He betrayed the Yanks).

So, I hear that for the Republicans, Senator John McCain is currently in the lead. That old timer. He's going to be the Republican candidate, not doubt. Don't know what happened to Governor Mitt Romney or Governor Mike Huckabee, but at this point, I don't think it really matters, since McCain is so much in the lead...(though "Huckabee" is a very fun name).

As for the Donkeys, it's a very close race between Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. Since it's such a close race, I decided to check each Senators' site and read up on their "issues." Here, I posted the top three issues as they appear on each candidates' site, and one bonus issue that I found interesting.  

Hillary Clinton's Top Three Issues: (As they appear on her site)


America's middle class is under siege and ready for change. People are working harder and longer for less and less. For six long years, America's middle class and working families have been invisible to our president. When Hillary is in the White House, no American will be invisible to the president of the United States.


America is ready for a leader who will end the war in Iraq. Hillary's roadmap out of Iraq, the Iraq Troop Protection and Reduction Act of 2007, is a plan to end the war before the next president takes the oath of office. But if the Bush administration won't end the war, as president and commander in chief, Hillary will.


The choices we make about energy touch nearly every aspect of our lives. Our economy, our national security, our health, and the future of our planet are all at stake as we make a choice between energy independence and dependence on foreign sources of oil. Hillary has proposed an Apollo Project-like program dedicated to achieving energy independence.

Here's the issue I thought was interesting, in all of it's uniqueness. I very much appreciate this issue.


Hillary's historic statement in 1995 that "women's rights are human rights" still echoes worldwide. As a lawyer, advocate, First Lady, and senator, Hillary has fought for issues important to women here at home and around the world for decades. Hillary will continue her lifelong fight to ensure that all Americans are treated with respect and dignity.

Barak Obama's Top Three Issues: (Again, as they appear on his site)

Civil Rights

There is no more fundamental American right than the right to vote. Before the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act, barriers such as literacy tests, poll taxes and property requirements disenfranchised many Americans, especially minorities. More than 40 years later, there are still numerous obstacles to ensuring that every citizen has the ability to vote.


"We must build a world free of unnecessary barriers, stereotypes, and discrimination .... policies must be developed, attitudes must be shaped, and buildings and organizations must be designed to ensure that everyone has a chance to get the education they need and live independently as full citizens in their communities."


As president, Barack Obama will implement a 21st century economic agenda to help ensure that America can compete in a global economy, and ensure the middle class is thriving and growing. He will increase investments in infrastructure, energy independence, education, and research and development; modernize and simplify our tax code so it provides greater opportunity and relief to more Americans; and implement trade policies that benefit American workers and increase the export of American goods.

I especially thought this issue was interesting. I would never think "Faith" would be an issue for a political campaign. 


In June of 2006, Senator Obama delivered what was called the most important speech on religion and politics in 40 years. Speaking before an evangelical audience, Senator Obama candidly discussed his own religious conversion and doubts, and the need for a deeper, more substantive discussion about the role of faith in American life.

Man, I can't wait to get a hold of that Aristocats DVD (because I'm that insensitive about the current political situation in this country and rather have the company of aristocats instead of aristocrats. *sighs*)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Something to put on Ellen....

So laddies, it looks like an abandoned US spy satellite is going to crash into Earth in late February or early March. Stupid people of the National Security Council just released this report and people at NASA have no idea where on the Earth the satellite will crash land.

The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it is unknown where on the planet it might come down, they said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information is classified as secret. It was not clear how long ago the satellite lost power, or under what circumstances.


The spacecraft contains hydrazine — which is rocket fuel — according to a government official who was not authorized to speak publicly but spoke on condition of anonymity. Hydrazine, a colorless liquid with an ammonia-like odor, is a toxic chemical and can cause harm to anyone who contacts it.

Though one of my favorite parts of this article was:

Pike, director of the defense research group, estimated that the spacecraft weighs about 20,000 pounds and is the size of a small bus. He said the satellite would create 10 times less debris than the Columbia space shuttle crash in 2003. Satellites have natural decay periods, and it's possible this one died as long as a year ago and is just now getting ready to re-enter the atmosphere, he said.

A small bus? And, oh yeah, of course it's good that it will create 10 times less debris than the Columbia space shuttle, but aren't we forgetting that the satellite contains hydrazine that toxic chemical mentioned above? Well laddies, I guess we'll have to keep an eye out for falling spy satellites and rain showers of toxic chemicals (like acid rain wasn't bad enough).

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Check Out Chegg

Hello laddies! 

Now, for those of you who are college students, buying books and textbooks and such cost mucho dinero, which most of us don't have cause we're COLLEGE students. But, never you fear, for I have discovered a website where you can BORROW your books. Of course, you have to pay a small fee (and shipping) to receive it, but to send it back, it's free. This lovely website is called Chegg and I hope it helps you, like it helps me.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dead Post

So laddies, there was nothing interesting on Ellen today. No wolves, no lions, and no elephants. It made me sad to see that there were no interesting guest either. Tomorrow she's having Ryan Seacrest on the show to help her celebrate her 50th birthday. Personally, I don't think she needs Ryan to help her out with that one.

Also laddies, there is no good celebrity news (or gossip, as it is most commonly called) filtering through the servers and Perez's blog is mostly filled with Heath Ledger news, which I have abandoned because it is old news and people die everyday. Though, honestly, I guess it's better than Britney and Wino. *shrugs*

It's cold and I enjoy making people little "Happy Birthday" pic-thingys on photoshop. Yeah, I think this post died the minute I said that Ellen had no elephants on her show.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Elephants on Ellen

Hello laddies!

So today, Ellen had an elephant on her show. I thought that was pretty amazing. She was throwing honeydew melons at it.

Anyway, my life seems less eventful now that I'm back at skool. Ha ha ha! But alas, it does. It's a very sad thing. I feel a wave of dread when I step one toe into the campus; it's horrible. In other news...People are weird.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A moment for Heath

Now laddies, I would like to initiate a moment of silence for the late actor Heath Ledger, who died this afternoon in SoHo, New York City. He was an amazing actor and he will be missed. It is such a tragedy, I couldn't believe it when I read it on Perez's blog at around 3:40 in the afternoon. Now take a moment and soak up that first scene where we see Heath in 10 Things I Hate About You. Now, soak up his role as Casanova and praise his role in Brokeback Mountain. Now, go watch those three movies if you have yet to see them. Shame on you!

And so laddies, with all that said and done, the lesson I leave you with is this: SLEEPING PILLS ARE BAD FOR YOU! Especially Ambien CR. So don't take them, okay?

Monday, January 21, 2008

One More Reason To LOVE Ellen DeGeneres

If you know me at all, you know that I absolutely LOVE Ellen DeGeneres. She is amazing and is one of the reasons I survived my first term of college. I have tons of reasons why I love Ellen. She played the voice of Dory in one of my favorite Disney/Pixar movies, Finding Nemo, and she beat Oprah (who I hate, by the way) at being the #1 Favorite TV Personality in this new poll, AND she plays Guitar Hero (even on her show!), but I love her EVEN MORE because of what she did on today's show.

Ellen had the Jonas Brothers (who I think need haircuts. Nick is starting to look like Hair Bear and Joe almost resembles Captain Caveman.) on her show today and I was all "Oh boy," and "Please don't perform SOS again." Anyway, Ellen tried to bring up the apparent "break-up" of Nick and Miley, but was thwarted by Joe. But then Ellen (ah, I love her for it) says "What's with falling down all the time? Who keeps falling down?" bring up the subject of Joe falling during the AMAs as well as his head injury from when he ran into that wall. She then makes the boys watch the AMAs moment over again and then she presented Joe with a present. It was a baby blue football helmet with a microphone attached to it that had Ellen written in white across it. I died in hysterics.

This is definitely another reason why I love Ellen.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I LOVE John "the Douchebag" Mayer even MORE!

Evening laddies. I'm currently watching a rerun of tonights Project Runway, and I can't get over Christian and Chris' "avant-garde" look. Anyway, that is not the point to this post, if you've noticed from the title of this post.

I LOVE John "the Douchebag" Mayer...and here's why:

On his blog, the entry "Pop Rocks," he wrote how he loves the 45 seconds of the "I Think She Knows" Interlude on Justin Timberlake's "Lovestoned" song. I myself, love that part too. "Lovestoned" is an okay song, but that part of the song is hawt. Anyway, I guess John got a little over the top with that 45 second blip of a song that he composed this:

...and I absolutely LOVE him for it. It is pure AWESOMENESS!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Nut Castles

Good morning laddies.
Now my head hurts and I'm kind of tired, but I just wanted to leave you with this:

Try to avoid nuts from this guy. Looks like he spends more time playing with them and making them into nut castles than he does selling them. Plus, he was yelling at me. (>_<)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New York, London, Paris, Munich. Everybody Talk about Pop Muzik!

So laddies, yesterday my brother and I spent the whole day listening to our parents' vinyl records on our pretty old record player. And we both agreed that from the hundreds of records our parents have the best was the 33' Pop Muzik record by M. Now, as I was looking for a YouTube video of this song to show you why this song is such magical music GENIUS, I got sidetrack because I accidently clicked on the wrong video, and then that video led me to another video, and then that led me to another, and I think you get it now. Anyway, what I found was quite amusing (as always) and you wouldn't believe how many people made similar vids like these: (the highlights are shown)

When I first heard that I (meanly) thought That still sounds like Avril

Crank to this.

Anyway, here are others:
Well, when I was looking at all of those Chipmunk versions (you can find more songs here), I came across this one and I just had to see what it was all about. Needless to say, I was amuse. ^.^ The voices are quite fitting, I must say.

Okay, enough distractions. Here is what I really wanted you to see and hear:

*Sigh* Oh I love thee.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My personal beliefs (I apologize in advance because I have them)

My dearest laddies,

I am dying. And as much as I can already hear you saying "no you aren't" and "you douche" believe me when I say that I am dying; because odds are, you are dying too.

I stood home today, just like every other day I guess, and I watched The Bucket List, with Morgan Freedman and Jack Nicholson. It was a good movie, if you like those types of movies about making a difference in one's life and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, it got me thinking. Maybe I should write a "bucket list?" I mean, it's like a list of your goals in life (at least all the ones you want to get down before you "kick the bucket.") and it should be interesting. Anyway, I decided to write one, yet I don't have much:

  • See Times Square pitch black (currently working on this)
  • Go on a safari through the Congo (if it still exists after Global Warming)
  • Visit the Amazon (if it still exists)
  • Go to Australia, India, Thailand, Japan, China, Italy, France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, The Bahamas, Mexico, Egypt...Canada (I just need to get out of this country!)
  • Visit Sydney (the city), The Taj Mahal, Tokyo, The Great Wall of China, Florence, Venice, Rome (esp. The Coliseum), Paris, The Alps, London, Edinburg, Dublin, Barcelona, Madrid, Rio, Buenos Ares, The Mayan ruins, the Great Pyramids of Giza...CANADA!
  • Produce a movie in which I directed, produced, written, acted, filmed, hand picked the musical score, chosen the actors, etc (like a one man show)
  • Win a notable award (a Grammy, Emmy, Oscar, NY Times Bestseller, Noble Prize, a damn neon orange Nickelodeon Blimp...)
  • Go white water rafting
  • Swim with dolphins (if they still exist...due to crazy Japanese fishermen, who don't realize that humans aren't meant to eat dolphin meat.)
  • Visit Sesame Street
  • Witness a severe natural disaster (a volcano eruption, a category 5 hurricane, a tornado, an earthquake, a tsunami...) and live
  • Crash one of Ellen Degeneres' birthday parties
  • Befriend a pack of wolves
  • Live in The White House AND Buckingham Palace
  • Become (somehow) CEO and owner of Viacom (cause Viacom owns many peoples' souls and so I can pay for everything I'll do listed above)
On a brighter note, I have a personal vendetta against plastic tupperware. I don't know why, I just find tupperware completely disgusting. I mean, have you ever noticed how plastic tupperware becomes discolored after you but a certain food into it (like cooked beans or meat sauce) and when you try to scrub off the coloring you can't because it's embedded itself into the plastic? Isn't that disgusting?

Monday, January 7, 2008

It's called GLOBAL WARMING!!

So laddies, here in New York it was 62 degrees and it's January 7th; and tomorrow is going to be 66 degrees, maybe even hitting 70 in the early afternoon. Are you concerned? Well, how about if I said that right now in New Mexico, they are suffering through a hugh blizzard? Yes, NEW MEXICO, I do believe that I wrote that clearly enough. People all over the Midwest and the West are suffering through severe flooding because of all of the thunderstorms occurring (like in Nevada?!?), but I simply can't get over the fact that it's snowing in New Mexico! I don't know about you, but I do believe something is wrong when you see people in short sleeve t-shirts sitting outside in Union Square park, drinking Jamba Juice smoothies in January.

Oh, it also seems as if Greenland's glaciers are melting faster, causing more fresh water to enter the Atlantic Ocean, there by causing sea levels to raise (and maybe cause a shift in the North Atlantic Current?). All of these changes have many glaciologists "a little nervous these days — shell-shocked," States Ted Scambos, the lead scientist of the National Snow and Ice Center. Well, um yeah, I would be nervous too. I mean, remember watching The Day After Tomorrow? I mean, yeah that movie sucked; the whole romance thing was stupid and that whole the "world is going to freeze in eight days" is scientifically inaccurate in that it can't happen that fast. But as for the world going through a major climate shift like it did in the movie, because the North Atlantic Current shifted direction (or stopped completely) that could happen (go watch Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth! It proves my point!). I say that this news should cause everyone to go ballistically nervous!

I find it discomforting that not many people take Global Warming seriously. I mean, HELLO! Without a stable climate pattern, there will be natural atrocities that will be happening GLOBALLY, not to mention the fact that diseases will spread throughout the world (think Malaria, Cholera, Avion Flu, etc) killing millions of people...and this will happen world wide! There will be immense food and water shortages, and just like the animals, we humans will begin to go extinct! Soon, malnutrition will take over and most of us won't be able to reproduce anymore and it will be The Children of Men all over again! Come on now, don't you think that's scary?

(Linkage to Bigger Picture of Map)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Nightmare on 42nd Street

Hello my laddies! It's been a few hours, yet thought I should update anyway. So, I went to see Juno today with two of my friends and my verdict is that it's great, very funny, and everyone should go see it. (Sort of like my post about Sweeney Todd that was on my old blog, which can be conveniently read probably at the bottom of this page now. :D) We had to go to two different theaters, because the first showing at 4:40 was sold out and we didn't want to wait until 7:55. We ended up at 42nd street and caught a 6:15 show. We also had to squish into two seat (the three of us) because the theater was so full that it seemed as if more tickets were sold than actual seat. Besides that, the movie was great.

I have decided--just like when I decided to refer to God as JOE--that my ultimate New Years resolution (or maybe my ultimate goal in life) is to see Times Square pitch black. I swear, there are too many freakin' lights emanating from the buildings that the street lights are completely useless. In my opinion it's really a waste of energy, but more importantly, I just want to Times Square with no lights. My friend suggested to get a whole bunch of immature New Yorkers to turn on a bunch of appliances and use a lot of energy simultaneously at a set time, on some random day in the summer, when people would normally use an excess of energy already, to cause a massive blackout, which we would see when we watch the lights go out at 42nd street, where we would plan to gather before hand. Now, I suggest we do this "planned blackout" on June 21, because it is the longest day of the year, as it is the summer solstice, and it would be "intellectually ironic" that there was a blackout on the day where it is said that the two realms (the living and the dead) mesh into each other or whatnot. I don't know; just go along with me on this one. If it doesn't work, I'm hoping to write a book about it called "Nightmare on 42nd Street" and hopefully get the book made into a movie so that Hollywood could CGI it onto the big screen. It's the closest I could possibly get to see my dream happen. Anyway, just keep this idea in mind. I might have a Facebook group link up in a few days for this.

I Must Mention...

So, I read Perez Hilton's blog. Yes, I is a loser....yet what are you?

Anyway, I took a look at it tonight, since I haven't looked at it in awhile. So far I have learned that Miley Cyrus is Britney 2.0 (can you say "I love you Perez?), Mel B fell down a flight of stairs on New Years, K-Fed hired more security because he feels compelled to "protect" the boys I believe he unrightfully (I know that's not a word but still!) stole from Britney, Taylor Hicks (and Ruben?!) have been dropped from J Records, and Steve Irwin's wife has contacted Steve from beyond?!? But the best yet has to be this:

Joe Jonas from the Jonas Brothers was rushed to the emergency room on Saturday, has exclusively learned.

Thankfully it's nothing too serious and he's alright now.

The tween heartthrob was "horsing around" backstage at a concert in Atlantic City and hit his head.

"He ran into a wall," a source tells us. (Linkage) I'm starting to think that his fall at the AMAs is something we all should reconsider deeply. I mean, if you were like me, you just sort of laughed hysterically at the irony of him falling on broken glass before singing SOS, then brushed it of as an "accident," but running head first into a wall? "He got a few stitches," they said. ?!?! They make it sound as if it wasn't so bad. I seriously question people's intelligence here. And now I'm starting to think this kid thinks he's Superman.

...or DJ Danja?

Cause really? Who runs head first into a wall?

Anyway, I think I've expressed my love towards everyone enough today already. Let's see what can amuse me next, shall we?

(Pictures used with the courtesy of, even if he doesn't know it.)