Friday, May 23, 2008


Hello my dear trollboogies!

I am happy (and sadly) to inform you that I have moved this dear blog over to Wordpress (because it is the best, despite my lack of knowledge of how to use it!) It is happy news because we've moved and it is sad news because of what we're leaving behind, which is....Blogger. But never you fear. Wordpress has what they call "Pages" and I'm really loving it! More things to boggle my mind! I jump for joy!

linkage: ...and {along} the way... (at Wordpress!)

Anyway, I say R.I.P. ...and {along} the way at Blogger. R.I.P.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So it would seem...

Good morning my dunderheads! It would seem as if I have been on a little hiatus...and you know what that means!!! 

It means I'm losing interest. Which I am, but ah well. There is nothing new for me to talk about...well not entirely true.

So it was Mothers' Days, god knows when that was; I've lost track of the months...anyway, my family uses any holiday, huge event, etc, as an excuse to make tons of food and have a family gathering. So whenever That Day for Mothers was, that Sunday I found myself at my aunt's house writing my final paper for my fiction class (or at least trying to), surrounded by at least seven screaming little kids. They were playing Cops and Robbers as I was writing about the Italian Mafia, and they were running around with sticks for guns, and gym bag filled with the "loot," and my aunt's closet as the "jail." (I apologize I have no fun video or pictures of this. My fault.) Anyway, amongst all of that, I came across this, which I took with PhotoBooth, seeing how I'd only came with my laptop and nothing else.

Yes, yes, that is Hannah Montana. I just love what she's wearing! [linkage]

Now this is what happened the last time I went to a family gathering....