Friday, February 29, 2008

Just Another Reason I LOVE Ellen DeGeneres!!!

Evening Laddies,

So, I was watching Ellen today and she started off the show with a little "awareness" speech, with the murder of 15 year old Larry King in Oxnard, California.

This made me sad, like, really really sad. The moment Ellen mentioned that Larry was gay and was the victim of a hate crime, I immediately thought Matthew Shepard's murder in 1998 and The Laramie Project...which sadden me even more.

This is not right. It never was right. I agree with Ellen 100%! Just because a person's homosexual doesn't mean they're any different from the rest of us.  Most of my close friends are either homosexual or bisexual, and guess what? I love them so much and I would never want them to change into a lesser version of themselves to conform to the public's eye. I know it might seem as if society is more accepting towards homosexuals now then they were years before, but the truth is, this is just the beginning. Obviously there are still people out there who morally believe homosexuality is wrong and succumb to hate crimes such as this one. I know. Sometimes when I'm meeting somebody new and mention one of my friend's who's gay, that person would be a complete homophobe about it. I know this, cause it has happened before. I mean, it's one thing to have morals, but even if you think homosexuality is wrong, there is no reason to be cruel to a person just because they're homosexual!

This came at a weird time for me. Tomorrow, March 1st, I'm going to my cousin's commitment ceremony. She "getting married" to my old boss, who is completely and awesomely cool, and who I love to pieces. The both of them are lesbians. Now, both of my parents aren't going, my mother because she's a Jehovah's Witness and my father because "my cousin is making the biggest mistake of her life marrying some gay chick." Yes, my father is that much of an inconsiderate ass. My aunt and uncle aren't going either, because my aunt is uber psycho Christian and believes homosexuality is wrong. Yet unlike my mother, who respectfully declined the invite (with a 3 hour phone call), my aunt and uncle decided to plan their son's 16th Birthday party on the same freaking day as the commitment ceremony. I guess my father isn't the only inconsiderate ass in my family.

I found this ironic.

Anyway, we should all keep Larry in our thoughts, and ultimately be aware of what's happening around us. Discrimination cannot be tolerated; it shouldn't and it won't...

