Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Apple Store has a Bar

Good Morning Laddies!

I have been on a very short hiatus, due to the fact that I woke up one 
morning to find that my MacBook didn't feel like starting up anymore. I have consequently spent these last three consecutive days at the Apple Store on 5th Avenue. It's like a hub of all technological wisdom or something. It looks like a freaking Computer Network Icon on the outside, yet as you descend those narrow clear pexiglass "Chinese Staircase" like stairs that make me feel like I'm about to fall a bust something more than my butt, you enter this white and gray hub of chaos. So many people spend countless hours in this tiny store that conveniently stays open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. As much as I love my Mac and my iPod, I would not stay in that store into the wee hours of the night. Alas, though, I had to.

Friday night. I made my "reservation" for the Genius Bar for 9:40 (you have to make a "reservation" to talk with in-store tech support. How bizarre is that?), because I had a concert to attend. Anyway, I ended up leaving the concert early and getting to the Apple Store at around 9:15 because I was antsy to get my computer working again, seeing how I have two papers to finish and I needed to save my computer in order to finish them. (Although, when I realized that all hope might be lost, I took it as an excuse not to do my papers, just to tell my professors "oh, my computer ate my homework.")

Backtracking, my computer didn't want to turn on Thursday morning so I made a "reservation" for the Bar and took it in that same day. A really nice guy name Galeb (I believe...or Gabe) helped me out. He seemed like a cool guy from Ohio, with these black rimmed glasses that made him resemble the dude that plays Jamie on Instant Star; I almost swooned. I don't know what it is, but for some reason, cute guys with glasses somehow equals hotness. It's a crazy thing, but for me, it's true. Anyway, Galeb (or Gabe) helped me out by saving my important file (my papers) onto my new external hard drive and by going through what I should do when I get home to fix my lappy. So I left Thursday night with a bit of hope that I was going to get my computer fixed. When I got home, I performed what Galeb (Gabe) had showed and explained to me, yet it went all wrong. Soon, my poor lappy went from being "sick" to going into a full blown "coma."

So I ended up making another one of those "reservations" and going back to the store on Friday. Friday we waited awhile, we being my mother and I, who insisted on accompanying me just incase she needed to get "ghetto" on someone's ass, until we were called. The store at that time was a bit more empty than it was on Thursday evening, yet still pretty packed with people. When I was called, I was helped out by a guy named Evan, who happened to be positioned next to a fellow coworker by the same name (a little detail my delirious mother hadn't failed to point out). Evan, was cool and helped me out a lot, noting that Gabe had helped me out the previous day and concluding that my hardware was probably faulty.  Evan, who my mother kept referring to as Sanjia because she thinks he resembles that sad American Idol hopeful, helped me get ALL of my files onto my beloved external hard drive, then he gave me my receipt thingy and shipped Lappy off to the Apple Hospital. I was totally grateful despite the fact my mother and I were there at that Bar until 12:24 am Saturday. (The people at that store should seriously consider adding a snack/coffee/Starbucks like bar to their decor. Seriously, I was hungry.)

Anyway, I picked up my Lappy today because it was ready and now I can show you the cool squirrel pictures I took when my brother Nemo and I feed them M&Ms Peanuts and an interesting picture of subway graffiti!! YAY!


This is Da Mad Hatta squirrel!! It was a black squirrel so I appropriately named it after a Neurotically Yours character, as well as the white squirrel, who I named Foamy.

And here's Foamy! It's such a great picture, I commend myself! Look at it! It's so cute! It makes me want a squirrel as a pet. It's just there, chillin' in it's tree, like "Yo, why you all up in my grill man?" But he wouldn't say it like that cause it's Foamy. It'd be like, "Hey man! I don't take pictures of you when you're in your tree! Ya bastards. Oh yeah, thanks for the M&Ms." *sighs*

Now, my parting gesture, this picture, which is conveniently a picture of a wall of one of those public subway elevators. I laughed and shook my head when I saw this. It looks like there's something that shouldn't be there: 



Anonymous said...

can't believe i read the whole goddamn word trail of insanity... that last picture should be in a gallery by the way.
keep up the senseless blog-babble. it's very good.

Big Apple Pie said...

interesting anatomy...non?

Rayne said...

yes, very interesting.

Some dude was looking at me in disgust as I took that picture. ^.^