Monday, January 7, 2008

It's called GLOBAL WARMING!!

So laddies, here in New York it was 62 degrees and it's January 7th; and tomorrow is going to be 66 degrees, maybe even hitting 70 in the early afternoon. Are you concerned? Well, how about if I said that right now in New Mexico, they are suffering through a hugh blizzard? Yes, NEW MEXICO, I do believe that I wrote that clearly enough. People all over the Midwest and the West are suffering through severe flooding because of all of the thunderstorms occurring (like in Nevada?!?), but I simply can't get over the fact that it's snowing in New Mexico! I don't know about you, but I do believe something is wrong when you see people in short sleeve t-shirts sitting outside in Union Square park, drinking Jamba Juice smoothies in January.

Oh, it also seems as if Greenland's glaciers are melting faster, causing more fresh water to enter the Atlantic Ocean, there by causing sea levels to raise (and maybe cause a shift in the North Atlantic Current?). All of these changes have many glaciologists "a little nervous these days — shell-shocked," States Ted Scambos, the lead scientist of the National Snow and Ice Center. Well, um yeah, I would be nervous too. I mean, remember watching The Day After Tomorrow? I mean, yeah that movie sucked; the whole romance thing was stupid and that whole the "world is going to freeze in eight days" is scientifically inaccurate in that it can't happen that fast. But as for the world going through a major climate shift like it did in the movie, because the North Atlantic Current shifted direction (or stopped completely) that could happen (go watch Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth! It proves my point!). I say that this news should cause everyone to go ballistically nervous!

I find it discomforting that not many people take Global Warming seriously. I mean, HELLO! Without a stable climate pattern, there will be natural atrocities that will be happening GLOBALLY, not to mention the fact that diseases will spread throughout the world (think Malaria, Cholera, Avion Flu, etc) killing millions of people...and this will happen world wide! There will be immense food and water shortages, and just like the animals, we humans will begin to go extinct! Soon, malnutrition will take over and most of us won't be able to reproduce anymore and it will be The Children of Men all over again! Come on now, don't you think that's scary?

(Linkage to Bigger Picture of Map)