Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Afternoon again laddies,

I have forgotten, for a brief moment (just like everyone else) about our Earth. Hum...where's Al Gore when you need him to remind you of such things? Anyway, Happy Earth Day. I don't know why today is Earth Day and as of right now, I don't really feel like looking it up, but I'll probably Google it in a minute.

This is interesting and answers my question (yet poses more questions):

Earth Day is one of two different observances, both held annually during spring in the northern hemisphere, and autumn in the southern hemisphere. These are intended to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth's environment. The United Nations celebrates an Earth Day each year on the March equinox, a tradition which was founded by peace activist John McConnell in 1969. A second Earth Day, which was founded by U.S. politician Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in in the late 1960s, is celebrated in many countries each year on April 22.

Why are there two Earth Days? Why couldn't that Gaylord guy just celebrate the Earth Day the UN had already established? What an egotistical ass. He just wanted to be special for some, even if someone else had already thought of it. Wow, I answered my own question.


Good afternoon laddies. 

Well, after not so much sleep and a few tossed away brain farts here and there, I finally launched my new website...or homepage for this here blog. I don't know, it's not much. It's just a site I've been working on for fun and I just wanted the world to see it for a brief shining moment. Soon, I strongly predict, it will be taken down and given to the dogs. My websites seem to have been dropping like flies. I get bored with the layout, the URL link is too long, I hate you Freewebs, and blah blah blah. I have my many excuses. As of now, I'm starting to hate how the layout looks online. *shrugs*

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Disney Channel Meets Reality Television

No laddies, this isn't about them Jonas boys...

it's about HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! Disney Inc. is making HSM into a reality show/competition thing. It's going to be something like HSM (of course) meets American Idol meets Camp Rock...FUCK IT! It's like a All New Mickey Mouse Club ripoff thing they conveniently named High School Musical: Summer Session. Except instead of 12 people winning roles on a TV show, 1 lucky winner wins and gets to star in HSM4!

HSM: I wish it would die.

Anyway, Disney is having open calls for the reality show (American Idol = reality show). A handful of people (ages 16 -22) will be picked out to attend and summer camp (this is where Camp Rock comes into play) where they "hone their skills" acting, singing, and dancing alike. Then in the end they get judged, one person wins and goes on to "join the HSM family" in HSM4.

And I thought HSM was going to die after the second movie. -_-

Anyway, the point of this is....I was reading the application thingy....it was quite entertaining. Especially the part about crimes and such.

Linkage: Application